Demand that the BC Ministry of Education Implement an Anti-Racism Policy to protect students
Urgently create a solution to rising incidents of racism in BC schools.
Why is this important?
I just started a petition entitled "Demand that the BC Ministry of Education implement an Anti-Racism Policy to protect students!”
I am a black woman and a graduate of the public school system. I know first-hand what it feels like to be singled out in the classroom because of my race and made to feel like I don’t belong.
On June 1 2020, over 100 members of the black community gathered virtually in a town hall organized by the Support Network for Indigenous Women & Women of Colour (SNIWWOC). We discussed the ongoing impacts of anti-black racism, and attendees repeatedly brought up their experiences of racism in public schools.
We know that racism affects the educational experiences and outcomes of racialized students across BC. Education is the best way to secure an economically independent and stable future. Equitable access to education is reproductive justice. There’s no reason why many BC students graduate without learning about anti-racism and/or black history.
It’s time for the Ministry of Education to create a real solution to this problem!
Send the letter below to demand that the Ministry of Education implement anti-racism policies for all BC schools, make anti-racism training mandatory for all BC teachers, include Black History and anti-racism education as a mandatory part of the BC curriculum for all K to 12 students, and track all reported instances of racism in BC schools.
Support organizations also working on this issue:
BC Community Alliance (Vancouver)
Coastal Research, Education, & Advocacy Network (Vancouver Island)
Email this letter to TODAY!
Click this to email the Minister
Dear Minister Fleming,
I'm writing to ask that you formally include black history and anti-racism education in the BC curriculum. The past few months have highlighted what racialized people have known for a number of years which is that BC has an unaddressed problem with anti-black racism.
It is vital for the Ministry of Education to acknowledge the suffering that has plagued black, indigenous, and other minority groups in BC and to take steps to combat institutionalized racism in our province. On June 1 2020, over 100 members of the black community gathered virtually to address the ongoing effects of anti-black racism. Rising incidents of racism in BC schools have repeatedly been cited as affecting the educational experiences and outcomes of racialized students across BC.
We ask that you and the BC Ministry of Education immediately:
1. Implement anti-racism policies for all BC schools.
2. Make anti-racism training mandatory for all BC teachers.
3. Include Black History and anti-racism education as a mandatory part of the BC curriculum for all K to 12 students.
4. Track all reported instances of racism in BC schools.
We believe these are the first steps towards creating a BC education system that is anti-racist and inclusive for all members of our community.
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