Impact Report




A message from our leadership

Since our founding 9 years ago, our work continues to
be firmly grounded in reproductive justice.


2023 was a busy and challenging year for SNIWWOC. We moved to mostly in-person events and workshops in Victoria and Vancouver. Our services continue to be delivered via hybrid model which means that we can reach women across Canada. Scroll down to read client testimonials.

Our grocery gift card program continues to be our most popular program, which is no surprise considering the rising cost of living. 52% of clients accessing that service earn less than $20,000 annually and 42% have 1-3 dependents in their household. 60% of our clients do not own a vehicle and 77.5% say they always struggle to afford the groceries they need.

Our counselling program connects clients with therapists in-person or remotely. 8 weeks after receiving counselling, 69% of clients reported having a positive change in their mental health. 84% report that they would like to continue receiving counselling which reinforces our goal of receiving stable funding for the program to increase the number of sessions clients receive from 8 to 12.

Thanks to our partnership with Pacifica Dental, we are proud to offer dental hygiene appointments to low-income individuals. 33% of clients who access the service report that it had been 1-2 years since their last dental visit. 60% of our clients report that they have avoided visiting the dentist due to lack of funds. 83% self-rated the condition of their mouth and teeth as fair prior to receiving our service.

SNIWWOC is proud to provide innovative and holistic service delivery with little to no wait times thanks to the hard work of our qualified and diverse workforce supporting clients across Canada. We are truly inspired by the commitment of our board, staff and volunteers. Our success would not happen without you.

With Gratitude,

Boma Brown


2023 Impact


Social media reach

336,856 people reached on Facebook & Instagram

Event attendees

509 event attendees

Program Highlights

7 counsellors providing support in 4 languages and 573 clients receiving ongoing support



Program Highlights

Our one-on-One Counseling program has been instrumental in helping clients manage their mental health issues, leading to a better quality of life. 39 clients received 8-12 sessions in-person or remotely. Similarly, the Grocery Gift Card program has addressed food insecurity and improved the financial stability of 251 individuals and families. By reducing the stress associated with financial instability, the program has helped individuals and families to feel more secure and supported, reducing their anxiety and improving their overall quality of life.

Through a partnership with Pacifica Dental, 18 individuals in Victoria received cleaning and check-up services, which helped them maintain healthy teeth and gums. Our traditional Medicine and Hygiene Kit programs have contributed to better health outcomes for program beneficiaries by providing access to indigenous plant medicine and menstrual hygiene supplies. The Career Counseling program has helped people make informed decisions about their careers.

SNIWWOC's efforts have not only helped direct program beneficiaries but also created a ripple effect in the community, positively impacting families and society at large. We continue to showcase our commitment to holistic healthcare by providing access to crucial resources. SNIWWOC is significantly contributing to building a more just and equitable society.


Anti Racism and Gender Equity Consulting

In 2023, 12 organizations hired SNIWWOC to support them develop affirming spaces for all people, including gender-expansive, and queer racialized people.



We hosted 5 dinners in Victoria & Vancouver in 2023. The goal is to bring BIPOC women together in community for some tasty appetizers, shareable dishes, and conversation.


truth & reconciliation

To commemorate National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, SNIWWOC organized our 2nd annual community event attended by over 80 participants. This was an opportunity for community members to witness the voices of residential school survivors, 60’s scoopers and millennial scoop survivors.

Attendees bear witness to the impact of colonial harm, displacement and what it means to reconcile in today's world.



In 2023 SNIWWOC hosted 10 domestic violence workshops hosted by Dr. Juanyetta Beasley, 186 women actively participated in these workshops and were positively impacted by the complementary counseling offered. Attendees reported back that they sought out SNIWWOCs counseling program, with some women reporting successfully leaving an abusive situation after attending these workshops.



Our Supporters


Munro’s Books

Victoria Downtown Residents Association

House of Cheek


Passion and Performance

SPINCO Victoria

Hide + Seek Coffee


Clear Coast Counselling Ltd

Victoria Newett

Miller Mortgages LTD


Government & Foundations

BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (PSSG)

Vancouver Foundation

City of Vancouver

E Women's Network

First Nations Health Authority

First West Foundation

Catherine Donnelly Foundation

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

BC Community Gaming Grant

Canadian Red Cross

Canadian Women’s Foundation


  Financial Summary


Revenue & Support




Wage Subsidy

Total Revenue


Programs, Events & Services 




Total Expenses