“The biggest barrier to reproductive justice is systemic inequities around race and healthcare. Women of colour do not have a lot of confidence in the healthcare system, which has historically mistreated racialized women and continues to do so today.”
Boma Brown
The Beyond Complacency: Challenges (and Opportunities) for Reproductive Justice in Canada report is published by the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). This report draws on “academic and grey literature research, key informant interviews, and individual reflections to outline reproductive justice issues in Canada today”.
Boma Brown, the founder of The Support Network For Indigenous Women and Women of Colour (SNIWWOC), was interviewed by LEAF to discuss the barriers that Black, Indigenous, and racialized women face when accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Canada.
“For example, Black women are not believed to feel pain in the same way as white women. Indigenous women are often assumed to be using drugs.”
Boma Brown
You can read the full report here.