Racialized Women Owned Business Map in Victoria
Sign up for our map directory for local racialized women-owned businesses and help us spread the word!
We are creating a free interactive map of Greater Victoria to help consumers locate and support local Black, Indigenous and Women of Colour (BIWOC) -owned businesses.
We’d love to feature your business—please fill out the brief questionnaire below to ensure your business appears on the map.
Please be sure to answer the questions as thoroughly and accurately as possible. We will use this information to highlight your business. For example, the address you provide on the questionnaire will be pinned on the map to guide users to your business. Once we have collected information from a significant number of businesses, we will launch the new BIWOC map of local businesses for customers to use.
Lastly, please help us spread the word by sharing this questionnaire with any BIWOC business owners you know in Greater Victoria. We appreciate your help in making this project a success.
Email our Programs Manager, Kaoruko (kaoruko[at]sniwwoc.ca) for any questions about this project.